Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The world is made up of all sorts of people. I know that. I know that, even though sometimes I see only shadows, that's not what is really out there. I know they are all different beings with different aims and reasons, hopes and dreams, loves - lost and remembered. Everyone's got a story to tell... and when time moves so very slow, one reads so many of those tales. The only thing I've ever learned is that there is no such thing as a happy ending.

There are things that you are better off not knowing.
Leave it at that.
Trust me...

Stop reading.
Don't ask about the end!

Someday isn't going to come again.
And the heroes are long dead.

Forget, forget and swallow
It's all only for tomorrow
I knew the ending to my story
but it's all gone now...

Where am I?
So far away.
Don't let me get carried away.
Don't let me get carried away.
Don't let me get carried away...

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