Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't you Cry, It's Only a Dream

I've heard this song somewhere...

I mean, I know I've heard it lots of times... but I've heard it somewhere recently... and it was a sad time. But I can't remember...

Can't remember...

I seem to be unable to remember a lot of things these days. Sometimes I know it's positively, terribly important that I remember and I think for hours and hours. Once in a while, I remember, and the feeling is amazing... but more often than not, I have no idea what memory it is that I'm trying so hard to recall.

So, tonight I'm going to wonder where I've last heard this song. Maybe a pub? A car? Someone's house? Maybe it will come to me in a dream. Though I honestly don't know how that is any better.

It's funny. When you wake up, you remember everything from your dream for a few moments... and then it's only traces of the feeling that remain with you while your entire dream fades away. Well, Life is only a dream, right?

Only a dream...

Now playing: Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (Original)
via FoxyTunes

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