Sunday, January 4, 2009


Familiarity breeds contempt.

I agree. There is no one on this planet with whom you can spend all your time and not have moments when you want to punch them in the face. It may sound cruel - or violent - but it is still true. No such person exists. Even you get annoying to yourself.

So what is the answer?

Something new.

As long as something is new, I can handle it. There is nothing I like better than trying to figure out how something - or someone - works. What makes them tick. It's interesting. And interest is all that matters. What's the use of anything if you're bored of it?

But what do you do once you've solved the puzzle? "As soon as I belong, it's time to Disappear". The world is wide, there is always something to do out there. One day, I'll find some place where I'll want to stay... But for now, I don't mind chasing the answers blowing in the wind... In fact, it isn't even about not minding it. I need to. I want to.

Boredom dictates everything. At least it does for me. Sure, there are other factors. Constraints. But, the basic driving force is boredom. Why do anything? Because I'm bored. I get interested in things fairly easily. I get bored easily too. Because somehow, at the end of the day everything is the same. Everyone is the same.

You think this one time is going to be different. You swear you won't let history repeat itself and so on. But it does. Every. single. time. Yet you keep trying. Hope & Boredom. Lethal combination. Throw in necessity and you have an awesome mix.

You're bored of where you are. You hope there's something better out there. And you need to find it.

There you go! ^_^


  1. Hmm, I remember I once wrote a post on similar lines and on this very topic..."Familiarity breeds contempt"
    Not bad
