Its funny how people think that wanting to be "cool" is the only reason people drink or smoke. As a friend once told me, the line "You don't need drugs to be cool" is not even on the same plain as the supposed issue, because we know we don't need drugs to be cool! It's just for the high!!!
Its really tiring to have people walk in and out of your life muttering the same few words over and over "I don't get it", "Why would he/she do that?", "It must have been that break-up", "Do you think he/she has problems at home?" and the one I detest the most "He/She just wants people to like him/her"
Ok, point one, Not every shot of alcohol is taken after you fail an exam or get dumped. Sure, I won't deny that you drink then too, but lets concentrate on the word "too" here, shall we? And, I'd like to have explained to me, just how does smoking make you liked??? I mean, going by how the whole world is raging against nicotine right now, who in their right minds would start smoking to become popular???
People say it shouldn't be done because its "injurious" to one's "health" and is "a slow death". Well, So is life. ;) Jokes apart, I'd like to compare these "addictions" - as they are called - to sky diving or bungee jumping. See, you could die. Very painfully too. But you do it anyway. Why? For the rush!!! You don't launch yourself off a plane or a platform thinking "Hey, I'm sad, lets go do something that is most likely going to harm me terribly!!! Yippeee!!!"
And how many mortals are truly averse to coffee here? But since it isn't illegal, and since no moral brigade has started running around screaming "Death, Destruction, Substance of the Devil!!!", people don't mind.
Moreover, if we're going there, why not we stop using cars? They're causing air pollution. Lets cycle everywhere! And if health is that important, why not force everyone to go on a spinach eating, carrot munching, tomato juice drinking diet. That would be healthy!
Also, its silly to consider that someone is smoking because that is their only option. Smoking is, as a very wise person once told me, "Just an expensive way to kill yourself". What kind of retard would believe it is his/her only option to go out, buy cigarettes and smoke them every time?
Another statement that jumped out at me was "why intentionally would someone want to kill themselves" The term is suicidal. Lol. But that said, not every one who smokes, drinks or dopes is on a path to steady destruction. Some of "those" people actually do love their lives and would be very happy to live to be a hundred and three. They'd just be happier with a few drinks on the way, thats pretty much all.
And for the last time, not every one who smokes or drinks is doing it because the whole world "oppresses him" or because "he has no friends" and is "lonely" and truly, most of these people do not use it as a life support system!!! Believe it or not, some of these people ARE actually satisfied and content with their lives!
Self realization is brilliant, but us lesser mortals would rather kill some brain cells. Go figure.
The author just had a bad day and she does not intend to hurt anyone's "feelings".
As everyone knows, she does not smoke or drink. *pointed look aimed at friends*
Also, she is well aware that she went a little over-board here and there, but she swears it was all in good fun.
Most importantly, she would love if all those wannabe idiots who are the main cause of debates like this one [translation - the "oooh-I-wanna-smoke-so-everyone-will-think-I'm-so-cool" people] suffered from sudden attacks of the conscience and jumped off high roofs. Cliffs would be fine too. Deep wells would be preferred.
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